Our farm and distilleryare based inthe Harz Fallstein region. We havebeen growing grains for almost200 years. The region is blessed withfavourable conditions for highqualitygrains and fruits and theHarz mountain range providesexcellent water quality. The traditionwas found by our ancestor CarlPollandHis portraitoverlooks the label of ourWhisky while Gin, Korn and Theocarry the names of the youngestgeneration in our family.
Our estate and thecharming landscape in the regionwith its rich culture and nature arealready a destination to tourists.Visitors from all over the worldhave been enjoying theirexperience and time spent at ourestate, guest house, distillery andour museum. The museum showsexhibits from traditional farmingand life over hundreds of years inthe region. Some of the exhibitsare linked to our family and itsinventions. A learning sectionprovides insights in modernfarming and food processing aswell.